Tagged: legacy

Senator Chuck Hagel Leads Vietnam War Anniversary Committee

The Department of Defense has selected Senator Chuck Hagel to chair the new Vietnam War Anniversary Committee. A decorated Vietnam War veteran, Hagel joined the Army in 1968.  He served, along with his brother Tom, in the United States Army’s 9th Infantry Division. While enlisted, Senator Hagel earned many military decorations and honors, including two Purple Hearts. A two-term senator… Read more

October 27th Marks 25th Anniversary for Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Philadelphia

On Saturday, October 27, the Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial will honor its veterans with a series of events and activities centered around re-telling the amazing stories of the 646 city servicemen who gave their lives in that conflict. “We talk frequently of ‘war stories’ but it’s really these ‘Warrior Stories’ that deserve telling in Philadelphia,” Project Director, Terry A. Williamson… Read more