Tagged: MIlwaukee Armed Forces Week

United States Celebrates 2015 Armed Forces Week (May 9th – 17th)

Armed Forces Week Starts: Saturday May 9th (2nd Saturday in May) Armed Forces Day: Saturday, May 16th (3rd Saturday in May) Armed Forces Week Ends: Sunday May 17th (Sunday after Armed Forces Day) Armed Forces Week is traditionally scheduled to coincide with Armed Forces Day and offers an opportunity for our community to express its gratitude to our military for their… Read more

United States Celebrates 2014 Armed Forces Week – May 10th thru 18th

Armed Forces Week Starts: Saturday May 10th (2nd Saturday in May) Armed Forces Day: Saturday, May 17th (3rd Saturday in May) Armed Forces Week Ends: Sunday May 18th (Sunday after Armed Forces Day) Armed Forces Week is traditionally scheduled to coincide with Armed Forces Day and offers an opportunity for our community to express its gratitude to the military for their… Read more

Armed Forces Day: May 18th We Pay Special Tribute To The Men And Women Of The Armed Forces

On August 31, 1949, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy and Air Force Days. The single-day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under one department — the Department of Defense. Each of the military leagues and orders was asked to drop sponsorship of its specific… Read more

Armed Forces Week May 12th to 20th 2012 | Veteran Owned Business Military Observance Announcement

Armed Forces Week is traditionally scheduled to coincide with Armed Forces Day and offers an opportunity for our community to express its gratitude to the military for their dedication and service to the nation.  Armed Forces Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May. Armed Forces Week begins on the second Saturday of May and ends on the… Read more